March 1, 2013
Two Oceans Toastmasters will be holding its Annual International Speech contest on Wednesday 6th March at the Fish Hoek Civic Centre at 19h00.
Last year, Kay Price-Lindsay did Two Oceans proud when she went from winning the club contest to representing Southern Africa at the International Speaking Contest Semi-Finals in Orlando, Florida in the USA. Kay was placed joint 10th in the world, after narrowly missing out on the finals when she was beaten by Ryan Avery who was crowned the overall winner. Kay was the third woman in history to represent Southern Africa, and the first member of Two Oceans to ever proceed so far in the competition.
This year Two Oceans are hoping to once again shine in the competition. The winners of the evening will go onto compete in the Area Contest against four other Toastmasters clubs with a view to make it to the Division Level (Western Cape) and hopefully the District Level (Southern Africa) in May. It is free to visit the meeting and Two Oceans looks forward to welcoming guests for an evening of inspiring prepared speeches and evaluations.

Kay with mentor Alana Byrne Kay with her District Trophy
Posted by LP User. Posted In : Contests
March 1, 2013
On Thursday 21st February we hosted our first ever Advanced meeting. It was well attended with 10 members and 7 guests in total and gave a wonderful opportunity for advanced speakers to take the stage. Aaron Blanchard did an outstanding job of organising the meeting and then pulling off a brilliant first time Toastmaster role! Mike Fawcett entertained us with a humourous sales pitch presentation, Theo Potgieter showed us how to 'Eat An Elephant' when attempting to become a Distinguished Toast... Continue reading...
Posted by LP User. Posted In : Meetings
March 1, 2013
Our Early Bird Express meeting was a small but festive one with Neville Arends completing his CC3 and Helen Burton being Toastmaster. The rest of the meeting was dedicated to an hilarious round of Table Topics run by Helen Burton on justifying rather strange new home choices (carpark in Koeberg or Kalkbay Habour Wall)! Verity Price then challenged everyone with some pretty stiff proverbs which made for good practice for competition style impromptu speaking.
As always, the morning meeting is a ... Continue reading...
Posted by LP User. Posted In : Meetings
February 11, 2013
What a vibrant February meeting ! Two Oceans is truly on a roll and
destined to be a top club! We won (yet again)
the covetted Treasurer' excellence award for paying over ALL our dues
on time. Well done Verity and thank you all club
It was a meeting of firsts. Not only did we have the
privilege to induct 2 first time toastmasters (Carey and Dawid), but for the
first time our meeting was recorded on video (thank you Aaron)! We also had a
first time toastmaster of the evening -... Continue reading...
Posted by LP User. Posted In : Meetings
January 22, 2013
Our Early Bird meeting got off to a great start this year with two visitors joining us for breakfast and Helen Burton running a brilliant meeting with her theme 'flying by the seat of your pants'.
Debby Satchel delivered a fantastic CC4 urging us to 'just do it' when it comes to seizing the opportunites life sends our way. Marion Thomas then delivered an inspiring PR Speech to encourage us to grow the Early Bird club with a vision to it eventually chartering in it's own right.
After a delici... Continue reading...
Posted by VPPR. Posted In : Meetings
January 12, 2013
A big thank you to all members & guests who helped to make last nights
meeting a resounding sucsess !
We had the privilege to induct Ingrid Kingon as a
new member. This brings us one step closer to our DCP goal of President’s
Distinguished since we now have 4 points in the bag. Every
members achievement helps us towards our goal of 10/10 points by June.
We had 5 guests at the meeting, two of whom have
expressed interest in joining and Dawid Mocke was voted in a member and will be
ind... Continue reading...
Posted by Theo Potgieter. Posted In : Meetings
November 21, 2012
This past Monday morning saw 6 members gather at The Winsor Restaurant for the monthly Early Bird Express Meeting. We also had two visitors join us - Penny from the Pro Biz group that Kay Price-Lindsay spoke to last month and Nick who is one of our returning members Debby Satchel's son! Nick dove straight in and did a wonderful job as timekeeper, while Marion took the honours as Toastmaster of the day.
Debby Satchel gave an informative CC2 on the secrets of networking that was the perfect s... Continue reading...
Posted by VPPR. Posted In : Meetings
November 15, 2012
This months meeting saw a wonderful turnout. With 13 guests including: former member Cecily Froud, a Toastmaster from Berlin and two teenagers wanting to see what Toastmasters is all about. It made for a brilliant evening where the club treated to fantastic speeches by Claire Strohbach (cc4), Verity Price (cc9) and an educational on effective evaluations by Marion Thomas. Lorne Sulcas ran a dynamic Table Topics section in our new longer slot to help members improve their impromptu speaking.... Continue reading...
Posted by LP User. Posted In : Meetings
October 17, 2012
This Monday morning saw a small group of Two Oceans members and guests gather at The Windsor Garden Restaurant for another Express Meeting. Though the gathering was small, the spirit, as always, was big.
Claire Strohbach gallantly stepped into the Toastmasters role at the last minute, and as always she guided the meeting gracefully and eloquently! Our newest member Debby Satchel, delivered a wonderful CC1 that took us on her journey of dealing with her fear of public speaking. It is very clea... Continue reading...
Posted by VPPR. Posted In : Meetings
October 10, 2012
Just three months into the new Toastmasters year and Two Oceans has already achieved three Distinguished Club Points (DCP)!
By paying our semi-annual dues in September we qualified for our first DCP point! It was a show of great support as always by every member to ensure our treasurer Verity could pay everyones fees across before the deadline. Thank you all!
At our recent October meeting, members Alana Byrne and Babette Davisson both earned the club an additional 2 points. Alana for completin... Continue reading...
Posted by LP User. Posted In : Club News