Browsing Archive: October, 2012

15 Oct: Early Bird Express Meeting Review

Posted by VPPR on Wednesday, October 17, 2012, In : Meetings 
This Monday morning saw a small group of Two Oceans members and guests gather at The Windsor Garden Restaurant for another Express Meeting. Though the gathering was small, the spirit, as always, was big.

Claire Strohbach
gallantly stepped into the Toastmasters role at the last minute, and as always she guided the meeting gracefully and eloquently!  Our newest member Debby Satchel, delivered a wonderful CC1 that took us on her journey of dealing with her fear of public speaking. It is very clea...

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First 3 Distinguished Club Points for Two Oceans

Posted by LP User on Wednesday, October 10, 2012, In : Club News 
Just  three months into the new Toastmasters year and Two Oceans has already achieved three Distinguished Club Points (DCP)!

By paying our semi-annual dues in September we qualified for our first DCP point! It was a show of great support as always by every member to ensure our treasurer Verity could pay everyones fees across before the deadline. Thank you all!

At our recent October meeting, members Alana Byrne and Babette Davisson both earned the club an additional 2 points. Alana for completin...

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Please Note:

District 74
means the 9 countries of Toastmasters Southern Africa (approximately 125 clubs)

Division D means Namibia & the Western Cape of South Africa (approximately 30 clubs)

Area D1 means the 4 Toastmasters clubs in Fish Hoek, Tokai, Claremont & Newlands 




Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
(Winston Churchill)

To be a person is to have a story to tell.
(Isak Dinesen)

"All the great speakers, were bad speakers at first."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)